Kabuki actors/Japanese writings |
Here you find the Japanese writing for Kabuki actors who have been portrayed by Kunisada and have been active in the first half of the 19th century ordered by the families/clans.
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The Asao family/clan (浅尾):
Kuzaemon, 浅尾 工左衛門 | Okuyama, 浅尾 奥山 | Oniemon, 浅尾 鬼右衛門 | Tamejūrō, 浅尾 -十郎 |
Tomozō, 浅尾 友蔵 | Yoroku, 浅尾 与六 | Yujirō, 浅尾 勇次郎 | (?)--zō, 浅尾 ☆蔵 |
Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) Kabuki actors Japanese writings.