For closer informations about the series and large format
images of each print the following book is highly recommended:
Henk J: Herwig & Joshua S. Mostow, The
Hundred Poets Compared - A print series by Kuniyoshi,
Hiroshige and Kunisada, Leiden and Boston, 2007, ISBN
978 9074822 824.
Each print compares one of the poems from the most-beloved
collection of Japanese poetry, The One Hundred Poets, One
Poem Each, with a scene from Japanese history or theatre.
Begun during the repressive Tenpō Reforms, the series
includes many surreptitious portraits of popular actors.
Herwig and Mostow explain each episode depicted and its
connection to its particular poem, providing a translation of
the commentary text by Ryūkatei Tanezaku on each print and
identifying actors and performances. This book will serve a
valuable guide to scholars, Ukiyo-e collectors and students
of Kabuki and the Hyakunin isshu theme. |
The set is composed by Hiroshige,
Kuniyoshi and Kunisada, whereby Kunisada designed only 14
prints. From Hiroshige are 35 prints and Kuniyoshi designed 51
The series is divided in two parts: the first half has in the
upper quarter the series title and a poem, the second half has
to that a fan-shaped inset with a small portrait of the poet.
You can find the text
of the "hundred poems" and an English translation under:
For this series I got lots of informations from Gloria Stella Garaventa (Specialist
for Japanese Prints, Paintings & Screens.1920 Vine Street,
Berkeley, CA 94709-2014, Phone/Fax (510) 526-0893, including the new translation
of the title. Many thanks for her work and for the permission to present it to
the public!
For the indroduction she writes:
"(...) the series Ogura Nazorae
Hyakunin Isshu (Take-offs Based on the Ogura [Version] of
the One Hundred Poets), with pictures of legendary and
historical subjects inspired by verses from the poetic
anthology, the prints by Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) [35
prints], Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861) [51 prints] and Utagawa
Kunisada (1786-1861) [14 prints], the work published by Ibaya
Sensaburō during the latter half of the 1840s.
NB: Ogura
version of Hyakunin Isshu is the oldest compilation and
was entitled Ogura Sansō Shikishi Waka (Poems from the
Cartouches of the
Ogura Mountain
For translation of poems, as well as excellent discussion of the
original compilation, consult Pictures of the Heart: The
Hyakunin Isshu in Word and Image by Joshua S. Mostow
(Hononlulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1996)." |